Our Brand

Karangkraf, is a varied printed platform for advertisers to strengthen the marketing of their products and services to consumers. Segments of the markets are available through specific reading categories that make it easier for advertisers to target their marketing strategy to specific readers with a more accurate and cost-effective outlet.

Naturally, the Karangkraf platform is the answer for advertisers to expand their businessempire to the next level.

Karangkraf is not only strong in print, but we include in our efforts other optional platforms that runs parallel with the changing tastes of readers and technology in getting the desired information.

Karangkraf has become a brand that is trusted by the various communities in Malaysia as the preferred reading material.

Our Product

The nineteen Karangkraf magazine sets have become the preferred choice of Malaysians for over 38 years. Our reading materials are produced in magazines and we stay in touch with relevant news that is in tune with local demands. Magazine readers develop very specific taste and their personality traits tend to stay loyal to a brand that is relevant to their lives, and this where we remain competitive and a cut above – our readers are loyal followers.

Additionnaly, we ensure that Karangkraf magazines are widely distributed throughout the country and is easy for readers to get their reading material anywhere. Our magazine brands are available to all walks of life and ages.



The 19 Karangkraf magazine sets have become the preferred choice of Malaysians for over 38 years

Women Segment

Women are known to be both the direct and indirect authority in determining the outcome of things. That is why, Karangkraf magazines resonate with the women segment that happens to belong to the most popular segment in Malaysia. With a high circulation, women magazines are most apt for advertisers to build brand to target the very consumers who owns the power to make or influence buying decisions.
Total Circulation
200,000 copies
45,000 copies
135,000 readership
Mingguan Wanita

90,000 copies
270,000 readership

20,000 copies
60,000 readership

45,000 copies
135,000 readership


Teens and entertainment is a powerful combination that is colossal in size and deeply influential. The youth segment is synonymous with entertainment and these magazines are always a much-awaited publication. Advertisers must leverage on this platform to build their products / services brands in this segment. Matching on the essence of teen’s style and needs, the advertisers brand will become the readers preferred choice.
Total Circulation
35,000 copies
35,000 copies
105,000 readership


Magazines housed in this segment have niche categories for advertisers to target, leverage and build brand. Designed simple and practical for each crafted message, content is delivered directly to the desired target group.

Total Circulation
120,000 copies
30,000 copies
90,000 readership

45,000 copies
135,000 readership

45,000 copies
135,000 readership


In line with the changing styles and tastes, the Malaysian society has very distinctive requirements for their home’s interior decoration. This platform is a reference for those are concerned with perfection when deciding on their home’s decor.
Total Circulation
50,000 copies
30,000 copies
90,000 readership
20,000 copies
60,000 readership


Although the reader category for this magazine is small, this group has their own unique tastes and desires. Men today demand to own brands or products that suit their image and activities.
Reading materials provided by Karangkraf has become an icon of reference for them to obtain exclusive and practical information for everyday life.
Total Circulation
25,000 copies

25,000 copies
75,000 readership


The Islamic literature is gaining momentum and arresting the attention of many, especially the Malay community. Immersing into religious ilmu has become essential along with the modernization of life.

The Islamic Platform opens more room for people to attain useful knowledge for this temporary world and the hereafter.

Total Circulation
20,000 copies

Majalah I
20,000 copies
60,000 readership