Sinar Harian has come a long way since its first Kelantan reporting style has carved its niche in the Malaysian media landscape edition in June 2006. Since then, the country’s first state customized national newspaper, with eight editions and with it’s transparent and neutral.
At Sinar Harian, we believe in credibility and integrity in our news reporting and we have made these age-old qualities our middle name. We deliver national, state and community news in the true spirit of journalism ie. reporting as is, transparently, objectively and neutrally. Sensitive political, religious and social issues are covered by us objectively and neutrally without fear of favor.
This made many of our readers which include academicians, businessmen, professionals, the man on the street and politicians – not just from the ruling parties but also from the opposition, to respect us.

56 Pages
15,000 copies daily

56 Pages
15,000 copies daily

56 Pages
15,000 copies daily

56 Pages
15,000 copies daily
Our editorial philosophy is also mirrored in our online news portal. This portal has undergone a various facelift to give it a more contemporary and modern feel that is sure to appeal to our new breed of readers. We take the top news from our print edition and distill it into a real-time interactive format.
We understand the need for our discerning readers to want more than just the latest news updates. We acknowledge that our readers are concerned citizens with critical eyes who seek outlets for their opinions and hence desire the opportunity to interact with our editors. Bearing this need in mind, our website navigation is complete with the necessary tools that open the doors of communication for readers to engage with our editors and columnists.
This engagement enables us to customize content on trending topics – apart from issues readers need to know, we feed them with the news that they WANT to know. Such participation adds value to our offering and enhances the quality of our online discussion – a newer and fresher platform catered for forward-thinking and an intelligent generation.
Today Sinar Harian news portal is the number one news portal in the country, with *35 million page views monthly and with 2 million Facebook fans. With the launch of Sinar Life, a mobile APP for smartphones and tablets, accessing Sinar Harian content is made easier and faster. Thus, making us one of the leading media platforms in Malaysia that is part of the rich and diverse generation of Malaysians who are major contributors to the revolutionization of the news making a landscape.
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At the heart of the company’s philosophy is continuous product improvement. We believe in always staying relevant to market expectations. As such, improvements to Sinar Harian are made constantly. We tweak and improve content for both our printed and online outlets to ensure that we meet both our readers and advertisers challenging demands and needs.
In line with product improvement programs and our quest to provide variety to our readers and advertisers in content delivery and form, Sinar Harian has added another dimension to its brand offering – the launch of its online Web TV – Sinar TV. Sinar TV aims to serve Sinar Harian readers and followers a new form and a new dimension of consuming content. For advertisers, Sinar TV extends an additional opportunity to engage with readers from the Sinar Harian Brand on a separate platform.
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